00:21:48 Scott Friedman: https://go.awsp.org/LeadershipAI 00:26:43 Kristie Hilson: domiarigat - styxx 00:27:03 Ryan Malone: Mr. Roboto 00:27:03 Terrie Garrison: Reacted to "Mr. Roboto" with 👍 00:29:55 Ronald Knight: Reacted to "Mr. Roboto" with 👍 00:32:57 Scott Friedman: http://chat.openai.com 00:33:10 Scott Friedman: The easiest way to complete your account is registering via Google 00:33:17 Scott Friedman: http://chat.openai.com 00:34:01 Scott Friedman: Hover above the mute icon and the annotate pencil will show up 00:38:30 Heather Ichimura: Blue 00:38:31 April Vonderharr: blue 00:38:31 David Radford: blue 00:38:32 Netra Williams: blue 00:38:32 Kelsey Hoppe: Blue 00:38:32 Shawna Leonard: Blue 00:38:33 Denelle DeVries: blue 00:38:33 Hillary Chapman: blue 00:38:33 Charles Cook: Blue 00:38:33 Amy Roney: blue 00:38:33 Mark Bowden: blue 00:38:34 Casey Huibregtse: blue 00:38:34 Kristie Hilson: blue 00:38:34 Amy Schwentor: blue 00:38:34 Tricia Jeffries: Blue 00:38:34 Sara Crowston: blue 00:38:35 Don Rash: Blue 00:38:36 MONICA BRINKER: blue 00:38:37 Scott Friedman: ugly 00:38:37 Charles Hilen: blue 00:38:37 Tony Smith: blue 00:38:37 Ronald Knight: blue 00:38:38 Caroline Brumfield: blue 00:38:38 AWSP: expensive 00:38:38 Paulette Johnson: Blue 00:38:39 Allison Shew: blue 00:38:40 Amy Reisner: blue 00:38:40 Paul Shaber: blue 00:38:40 Cole Kanyer: Blue 00:38:41 Lorinda Hettman: blue 00:38:41 John Erickson: blue 00:38:41 Sumeyye Cardakli: blue 00:38:42 Jeff Naslund, Mead School District: BLUE 00:38:42 Arturo Lopez: blue 00:38:42 Lee Grams: blue 00:38:46 Caroline Brumfield: Reacted to "expensive" with 😂 00:38:50 James West: blue 00:38:57 Jeff Naslund, Mead School District: Reacted to "expensive" with 🤣 00:39:03 Ron Webb: awesome 00:39:16 Hillary Chapman: Not to be 00:39:16 Netra Williams: not to be 00:39:17 Casey Huibregtse: not to be 00:39:17 Sumeyye Cardakli: not to be 00:39:17 April Vonderharr: not to be 00:39:18 Denelle DeVries: not to be 00:39:18 Tony Smith: not to be 00:39:18 Kristi Brooks: Not to be 00:39:18 Shawna Leonard: Not to be. That is the question. 00:39:19 Terrie Garrison: Not to be 00:39:19 Tricia Jeffries: Not to be, that is the question. 00:39:19 Heather Ichimura: Not to be.... 00:39:19 Caroline Brumfield: not to be 00:39:19 Charles Cook: to be AI 00:39:19 Kristie Hilson: not to be 00:39:19 AWSP: not to be 00:39:20 Sara Crowston: not to be 00:39:20 MONICA BRINKER: not to be 00:39:20 David Riddle: Not to be... 00:39:21 Amy Roney: not to be 00:39:21 Kelsey Hoppe: not to be 00:39:21 Amy Reisner: not to be 00:39:22 David Radford: not to be 00:39:22 Lorinda Hettman: not to be 00:39:23 John Erickson: not 2 be 00:39:23 Lee Grams: not to be 00:39:23 James West: Not be 00:39:24 Ryan Malone, Juanita HS: Not to be 00:39:24 Paulette Johnson: not to be 00:39:28 Cole Kanyer: Not to be 00:39:29 Amy Schwentor: not to be that is the question 00:39:30 Ron Webb: not to be? 00:39:33 Ronald Knight: not to be? 00:39:34 Donna Hudson: not to be, that is the questiom 00:39:39 Cynthia Golston: not to be 00:39:41 Tricia Jeffries: 😁 00:39:47 John Erickson: Billy Shakespeare! 00:39:48 Hillary Chapman: Shakespeare 00:39:52 AWSP: drama teacher 00:40:37 Scott Friedman: For those of you that answered the poll with you help others use AI would you mind sending me your name via email? That is if you are comfortable doing so. Thanks scottf@awsp.org 00:41:08 Jethro Jones: Replying to "For those of you tha..." I think you know I answered that way! Still want an email? 00:41:20 AWSP | David: Reacted to "I think you know I a..." with 😂 00:42:01 Scott Friedman: Replying to "For those of you tha..." You are good. 00:43:08 Jeff Naslund, Mead School District: Reacted to "For those of you tha..." with 👍🏻 00:44:11 Jethro Jones: I had it make a picture, too: https://share.cleanshot.com/V0wNYZzj 00:44:13 Hillary Chapman: In the heart of Washington's lands so fair, Where leaders rise with a steadfast air, There lies a beacon, strong and bright, The Association of Principals, a guiding light. Through corridors where dreams take flight, They stand as guardians, day and night. Their wisdom flows, their spirits soar, In the halls where futures are woven, galore. With every step, they shape the way, In classrooms where young minds sway. Their passion ignites, their vision clear, A legacy of excellence they hold dear. In unity, they stand, a formidable force, Bound by purpose, on a steadfast course. Oh, Association of Principals, we sing your praise, For in your hands, the future's blaze. 00:45:07 Amanda Voorhees: In the heart of Washington's wide expanse, There lies a group, in education's dance. The Scotts, with passion, lead the vibrant way, Guiding principal minds to brighter, bolder day. Gina and Jack, with wisdom and with grace, Nurture the leaders in this sacred space. Together, they forge a future so bright, Illuminating paths with knowledge's light. The Association, a beacon of hope, Inspires all to climb education's slope. 00:45:09 Netra Williams: In Washington's land, where mountains stand tall, A bond of learning, an association's call. Schools united, like rivers to the sea, In the heart of education, where dreams roam free. From Seattle's skyline to Spokane's plains, In every classroom, ambition reigns. Teachers inspire with wisdom's gleam, Nurturing minds like a flowing stream. In the shadow of evergreens, children grow, In the echo of history, their stories flow. Each school a beacon, a guiding light, In the tapestry of Washington, shining bright. 00:45:12 Scott Friedman: Love that photo Jethro! 00:45:15 Arturo Lopez: In the heart of the Pacific Northwest, where mountains stand tall, Lies the association of principals, answering their call. United in purpose, steadfast in their aim, To elevate education, and kindle the flame. Guiding beacons of knowledge, they lead with grace, Navigating challenges, in every place. Their voices resonate, in corridors wide, Championing excellence, with unwavering pride. In the embrace of unity, they find their strength, Fostering collaboration, to go to great lengths. Through trials and triumphs, they stand side by side, A testament to leadership, with wisdom as their guide. In Washington's embrace, they form a chain, Linked by a passion, for progress to attain. For the association of principals, in their noble quest, Embodies the spirit of excellence, at its best. 00:45:26 John Erickson: In the heart of Washington's state, where the sun meets the sea, There's a bond that's quite special, a place where you'll see, Principals gather, with wisdom and grace, To share in their journey, to grow and embrace. 00:45:29 AWSP | David: Curious to see the difference between 3.5 and ChatGPT 4. Also, I think ChatGPT uses the word “beacon” in every single poem I’ve asked for. 00:45:46 Scott Friedman: AI image by Jethro Jones - AWSP is special 00:46:08 Donna Hudson: As a Hikui AWSPGuiding light shines bright Principals lead with purpose Students' futures bloom 00:46:22 AWSP: Reacted to "awsp❤️0is❤️0special.jpeg" with ❤️ 00:46:27 AWSP | David: Replying to "awsp%20is%20special.jpeg" If only our office view looked that good! 00:46:40 MONICA BRINKER: Leadership's bright flame, Washington's principals stand, Guiding dreams with care. 00:46:41 Erin McKee: reading level can change too! 00:46:43 Paul Shaber: In Washington's realm, where rain and dreams entwine, Principals unite, a beacon's steadfast shine. Guiding with wisdom, through each challenge they roam, In their bond, education finds its home. 00:46:58 Netra Williams: In Washington's embrace, schools unite, Inspiring minds with boundless light. From city streets to mountain peaks, In learning's journey, unity speaks. Amidst rain or shine, their bond holds fast, A beacon of hope, from first to last. In the heart of the Evergreen State's domain, Washington schools, a cherished terrain. 00:47:04 Cindy Cromwell: In Washington's halls, leaders stand tall, Guiding with purpose, answering the call. In the Association, their bond is strong, Empowering minds, where dreams belong. 00:47:05 Paul Shaber: Feedback was: This is great! Could it be shorter, like a single stanza? 00:47:19 Tricia Jeffries: Added (short) in the ask, and came up with this: 00:47:22 Tricia Jeffries: In Washington's schools, where leaders reign, The Principal's Association, a guiding train. With wisdom and care, they pave the way, Empowering educators day by day. In every challenge, they stand strong, Uniting minds, where dreams belong. Their passion fuels the educational fire, Igniting potential, reaching higher. So here's to the Association grand, In Washington's schools, they firmly stand. Their dedication, a beacon bright, Guiding our schools with unwavering light 00:47:29 Annette Burnett: Haiku! Leaders united, Guiding paths, shaping futures, Washington's pride shines. 00:47:32 AWSP: I said make it less formal and snoop dogg like 00:47:39 Ronald Knight: I put mine in a rap format. 00:47:43 Netra Williams: Drake...lol 00:47:46 Amanda Voorhees: I asked to make it "singable" with Twinkle Twinkle little star: In Washington's vast, open skies, The Scotts lead with bright, wise eyes. Gina and Jack, with hearts so grand, Guide the schools across the land. Together, forging futures bright, With knowledge's ever-guiding light. Oh, Association, proud and true, Your impact grows, in all you do. Leading, learning, side by side, In your light, we take great pride. 00:48:10 John Erickson: A Lymerick: In Washington's state, by the sea, Principals gather, united and free. With wisdom, they lead, With hearts that succeed, Guiding schools with grace and with glee. 00:48:25 Scott Friedman: That's my favorite one yet Amanda! 😂 00:48:53 AWSP | David: There’s “beacon” again 00:48:58 Ryan Malone, Juanita HS: Revise in the style of John Wayne: Well now, gather 'round, let me tell you straight, 'Bout them Washington principals, mighty great. They ride the range of education's call, Stand tall and proud, ain't afraid to brawl. Like rugged cowboys on the open plain, They wrangle challenges, they ain't in vain. With grit and gumption, they blaze a trail, Where young minds flourish, never to fail. In the saloon of leadership, they hold their ground, With a firm handshake, their unity's found. No fancy words, just deeds that speak true, In the association, they see it through. So tip your hat to these folks of steel, In Washington's saddle, they make the deal. With John Wayne spirit, they ride the range, For the future's bright, and that ain't gonna change. 00:49:00 Hillary Chapman: In Washington's realm, a beacon gleams, Where Principals gather, weaving dreams. Their wisdom guides, their vision true, In shaping futures, they continue. United in purpose, strong and bold, In the heart of education's fold. Oh, Association, your light shines bright, A testament to leadership's might. 00:49:26 Jeff Naslund, Mead School District: That’s a great example of 3.5 vs. 4, too. 4 makes fewer mistakes like that rhyming mistake. 00:49:29 Arturo Lopez: In the realm where evergreens whisper tales untold, Resides the stewardship of principals, bold. Bound by purpose, in unity they stand, Crafting futures, with a guiding hand. High atop the peaks, where dreams take flight, The association thrives, in relentless might. In the cradle of learning, their voices ring, Igniting minds, with the wisdom they bring. Kinship in knowledge, their bond does grow, Nurturing progress, with a luminous glow. In the tapestry of leadership, they weave, A legacy of excellence, for all to believe. In the association of principals, profound, Resides the essence of learning, unbound. Their journey unfolds, like rivers to the sea, In the realm of education, where they reign free. 00:49:41 AWSP | David: Reacted to "That’s a great examp..." with 👍🏻 00:49:46 Erin McKee: 2nd grade reading level with words defined for longer words: 00:49:50 Erin McKee: In Washington's schools, principals (leaders of the school) lead, Helping kids (children) learn, that's their good deed. They're like a team, strong and true, Facing challenges (hard things), making dreams come true. They stand together, hand in hand, Making sure learning is fun and grand (great). So kids can grow and learn each day, With principals guiding (showing) the way. 00:49:52 Hillary Chapman: Reacted to "That’s a great examp..." with 👍🏻 00:50:32 Amy Roney: Wookie Waffles 00:50:40 Kristie Hilson: baby yoda mocktail 00:50:40 Amy Roney: Jedi Master Pasta 00:50:53 Erin McKee: Stormtrooper Salad 00:50:57 Kristie Hilson: hut doggs 00:50:59 Scott Friedman: I prefer Cinco de Mayo to May the Fourth Be With You. 😂 00:51:00 Jethro Jones: Wookiee Cookies 00:51:02 Erin McKee: Jabba the Hutt Dogs 00:51:22 Netra Williams: Jedi Lightsaber Salad 00:51:25 Lorinda Hettman: Blue Milk: A fun nod to the blue milk seen in the Star Wars movies, you can make a blue-hued milk using food coloring or blueberry syrup. 00:51:41 Arturo Lopez: Certainly! For a Star Wars Day meal plan, you can incorporate elements inspired by the iconic characters, planets, and themes from the Star Wars universe. Here's a suggestion: Breakfast: "Yoda's Green Smoothie" Blend spinach, banana, pineapple, and coconut water for a vibrant green smoothie. Serve in a tall glass with a Yoda figurine on the side for extra fun. Mid-Morning Snack: "Wookiee Granola Bars" Make homemade granola bars with oats, nuts, dried fruits, and a drizzle of honey or maple syrup. Cut into rectangular shapes and label them as "Wookiee Fuel Bars." 00:51:56 Tricia Jeffries: Galactic Fruit Bowl, R2-D2 Yogurt Parfaits, Jedi Lightsaber Hot Dogs, Chewbacca’s Wookiee Salad, Princess Leia’s Palawan Pasta, Yoda Soda 00:52:17 Hillary Chapman: I asked for vegan and no sugar menu as a feedback: 00:52:24 Tricia Jeffries: It even gave me ideas on how to decorate the cafeteria!!!! 00:52:49 Hillary Chapman: Breakfast: Droid Oatmeal: 00:53:08 Jethro Jones: Wanna change your life with a recipe app? https://apps.apple.com/app/id1461650987 I promise, it’s amazing. Paste a link to those terrible recipe sites, or take a picture from a cookbook, and AI finds the recipe! 00:53:19 AWSP: I did one in both 3.5 and 4..... 4 was a lot more extensive 00:55:27 Amy Schwentor: I got to run...sorry. Need to take my own kids to dentist. 01:00:35 Jethro Jones: Here’s the Youtube Video I mentioned in the Group: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwIjd-gH_ro 01:01:01 Erin McKee: Reacted to "Here’s the Youtube V..." with 👍 01:01:17 Denelle DeVries: AI tends to be more wordy and redundant. It definitely requires edits along the way. 01:01:31 Paul Shaber: It's really useful to get started on a letter or email that I'm not sure how to begin. I can use what Chat creates as a starting framework, then cut/copy/paste 01:01:54 AWSP | David: Replying to "AI tends to be more ..." Agreed. This last comment from April speaks to that. 01:01:59 Scott Friedman: Yes @Denelle DeVries You can also limit the number of words via your prompt. 01:02:00 Jethro Jones: Reacted to "It's really useful t..." with ❤️ 01:02:09 Scott Friedman: Reacted to "It's really useful t..." with 👍🏼 01:02:11 Erin McKee: Replying to "AI tends to be more ..." Agree, def use as part of the writing process. 01:02:33 Dana Anderson: https://www.servicedeskinstitute.com/ai-powered-service-desk-we-tested-best-ai-prompt-frameworks/ 01:04:39 Jack Arend: ^^^^ 01:06:31 Terrie Garrison: Great analogy! 01:07:52 Scott Friedman: We will put @Dana Anderson slide deck in our resource page you will hear about at the end of our time today. 01:08:43 Jethro Jones: As a culture builder?! You should see this demo I got last week. Awesome. 01:08:57 AWSP | David: All the links and resources shared today are available in the AWSP Learning Lab on the “resources” tab for this session. https://learn.awsp.org/courses/62129/webinars/41515#resources-content 01:09:09 Scott Friedman: Productivity Assistant, Data Analyst, Counselor, Mentor, Culture Guru, Creative Assistant 01:09:23 Ron Webb: Thanks for the link 01:09:36 Scott Friedman: Thinking of Chat GPT type tools as.......what is AI for you in your role 01:17:29 Paulette Johnson: We all were a bit nervous about the privacy and how we share this information with community, staff and students. 01:17:40 Monica Zuber: Thanks, Terrie! 01:18:25 David Radford: We are re-writing our vision statement and I can work with our students to write several iterations of vision statement ideas based on key values and themes they identify. 01:20:24 Donna Hudson: 1:00 meeting, thank you so much for your time. 01:20:54 Jeff Naslund, Mead School District: Thanks, everyone! 01:21:02 Jack Arend: Bring a friend to the next session! 01:21:03 Netra Williams: Very helpful session! Thank you. 01:21:04 Paulette Johnson: Thank you so much very informative. Can’t wait for the rest of series. 01:21:14 Lee Grams: Great session. Thank you 01:21:29 Dana Anderson: We want to build community and grow our knowledge and skills as a team. 01:21:30 Hillary Chapman: Very informative! Loved this working lunch webinar! 01:21:32 Katherine Baehr: Added to the task bar....it's becoming a real thing 01:21:58 Jack Arend: This is going to be a FANTASTIC series! Thank you Scott, Dana and David! 01:22:17 Jack Arend: WAHOO!! Thank you, Dana!! 01:22:20 Ron Webb: Thank you! 01:22:23 Alexandra Clark: Thank you! 01:22:38 Kristi Brooks: I appreciate a PD that helps me be more efficient so I have more time to support others. Thank you! 01:22:40 Rachelle Simmons: Great session! Thanks so much! 01:22:40 Cynthia Golston: Thanks for creating a forum for this. As a person just starting to put my toe in the water, this was great. 01:22:59 Scott Friedman: Here is a link to the AI Learning Lab course where you can find everything: https://learn.awsp.org/courses/62129 01:23:07 Jethro Jones: Reacted to "Here is a link to th..." with ❤️ 01:23:10 Jennifer Allen: I joined late today. What is the account that needs set up? 01:23:25 Ronald Knight: Good session, taking away a lot of good ideas. 01:23:43 Erin McKee: Replying to "Good session, taking..." Chat Open AI (Chat GPT) 01:23:51 Tricia Jeffries: Thank you for the information today! 01:24:04 Shawna Leonard: Thank you! 01:24:05 Amanda Voorhees: Thank you!