00:18:18 Sandra Clary: Can't wait! 00:21:40 Dan Bradley: As we go through the discussion, feel free to raise your hand for comments or questions...or you can type questions in the chat and I'll help Robert monitor those questions. 00:23:31 Dan Bradley: Robert...are you going to ask Heidi to describe CPPC...purpose and function? 00:24:19 Christy Bradford: Reacted to "Robert...are you goi..." with 👍 00:29:21 Leonor Vargas: Very well said, Heidi! Excellent mindset. 00:29:37 Natalie Harrison: Reacted to "Very well said, Heid..." with ❤️ 00:29:47 Shannon Buschman: Reacted to "Very well said, Heid..." with ❤️ 00:38:58 Ray daSilva: I have a question about CPPC and IAM Mobility Exchange 00:40:48 Craig Carver: Suggestions for how to address with the customer on the ability to have a successful repair versus replacement. 00:42:52 Leonor Vargas: Is CPPC going to venture out in getting firms to be used overseas? That would be so beneficial. 00:43:07 Janet Turner: Are there warranties offered on furniture repairs? 00:43:47 Martha Sigala: Is CPPC going to add any mold remediation companies? 00:47:02 Heather Looney: Replying to "Are there warranties..." I am a repair firm and we offer warranties, but warranties are company by company 00:57:19 Ray daSilva: How about an IAM Learning webcast with a panel from CPPC on claims prevention and mitigation tips? 00:57:32 Janet Turner: Is there a network within the CPPC for property damage. 01:00:28 Martha Sigala: Reacted to "How about an IAM L..." with 👍 01:02:50 Tamara Bodner: Reacted to "Is CPPC going to ven..." with ❤️ 01:03:06 Leonor Vargas: CPPC had a very good article in their magazine a few years back that discussed "fake" purses/accessories and what to keep an eye out for. They also had one about mattress and info on the tag and other details- do they plan on doing another spread of those types of articles any time soon? It was very informative. 01:13:56 Tracy Denora, NJWMA: Thank you