00:41:50 Stephanie Teel: What was the name of the book? 00:42:05 ashley barker: Beneath 00:42:20 ashley barker: Cori Doerrfeld 00:42:29 Michael Nelson: This is such a GREAT book! 00:45:13 Jennifer Godinho-Hefley: Comforting....at peace 00:45:14 Bill Eagle: Welcoming 00:45:14 Jenelee Herz: valued 00:45:14 Heather Fakkema-Hovde: Valued 00:45:14 James Whitehead: understood 00:45:16 Keith Buechler: Refreshing 00:45:17 James Whitehead: appreciated 00:45:17 Jeff Loupas: valued 00:45:17 Elaine Smith: Seen 00:45:18 Stacy Mehlberg: Welcoming 00:45:19 Laura Conklin: Connection 00:45:20 Tiffaney Golden: seen 00:45:22 Cheri Lloyd: Being heard 00:45:22 Kathleen Paradis: Seen 00:45:23 Mona Johnson: Seen 00:45:23 Aaron Fletcher: Caring 00:45:23 Ashley Goetz: Connection 00:45:25 Tricia Ebel: Heard 00:45:25 Peter DeWitt: Valued! 00:45:25 Russ Rice - ESD 113: Safety, responsiveness, belonging 00:45:26 Paul Iacobazzi: Belonging 00:45:26 Julie Rolling, PSESD: Being seen 00:45:28 April Vonderharr: Valued 00:45:28 Kathleen Paradis: Connection 00:45:29 Kim Herd: seen 00:45:29 Joshua Altmiller: appreciated 00:45:30 Erin Lucich: When I am welcomed, it makes me want to do the same for others 00:45:30 Stephanie Teel: Seen 00:45:31 Tamasha Emedi: welcomed 00:45:33 Brooke Henley: Grace 00:45:33 Elizabeth Mills: Seen 00:45:34 Rhonda Walton: Listened and attended to. 00:45:34 Jenny Hayworth: welcomed 00:45:34 Billy Harris: Listening 00:45:36 Lori Burke: Great Service makes me want to come back! 00:45:41 Angie Franklin: welcomeing 00:47:08 Stephanie Teel: Cowlitz 00:47:08 Tiffaney Golden: Cowlitz 00:47:08 Cheri Lloyd: Chinook 00:47:10 Bill Eagle: Wenatchi 00:47:11 Kathleen Paradis: Cowlitz 00:47:14 Elaine Smith: Honored to be with you from the land of the Puyallup Tribe 00:47:14 Heather Fakkema-Hovde: Swinomish 00:47:15 Michael Nelson: Muckleshoot 00:47:15 Russ Rice - ESD 113: Joining from the traditional lands of the Squaxin Island tribe 00:47:16 Erin Lucich: Cowlitz 00:47:18 Stacy Mehlberg: Coast Salish 00:47:18 Kim Fry: Chehalis 00:47:22 Brooke Henley: Cowlitz 00:47:23 Tamasha Emedi: Muckleshoot and Duwamish 00:47:24 Paul Iacobazzi: Muckleshoot 00:47:26 Linda McKay: Yakama 00:47:31 Kim Herd: muckleshoot 00:47:39 Keith Buechler: Snoqualmie 00:47:51 Mona Johnson: I am residing on the traditional territories of the Suquamish people - People of Clear Salt Water. 00:48:06 Julie Rolling, PSESD: Duwamish Coast Salsih 00:49:17 Rhonda Walton: Cowlitz and Chinook 00:49:27 Stacy Mehlberg: Stacy Mehlberg 00:49:42 Tiffaney Golden: Tiffaney Golden 00:49:45 Russ Rice - ESD 113: Russ @ ESD 113: Had some Learning Lab difficulty. Got here via the “Click here to join immediately” link 00:52:31 ashley barker: thanks, Russ- we will make sure you get a "badge" going forwward 00:52:50 ashley barker: thank you Spokane tribe for the ancestral land I am on 00:54:40 ashley barker: I will put the video in the resources 00:54:54 ashley barker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwcyXcOpWVs 00:56:29 Keith Buechler: To grow professionally, learn from peers and broaden my perspective 00:56:34 ashley barker: I want to network with really smart district and building leaders across the state 00:56:37 Crystal Allen: to connect with others. I"m a solo principal in a small district and making connections with others help me grow my practice. 00:56:40 Tricia Ebel: I had my admin cert for 10 years but never moved forward with it, I was lacking self-confidence but now I'm proud to say I am in year 3 of being an AP - so happy - best job ever! I want to do a better job 00:56:40 Aaron Fletcher: To become a better leader by connecting and learning from others. 00:56:42 Patrick Murphy: sharpen the saw 00:56:42 Stacy Mehlberg: I want to engage in continuous improvement. I see places where I need to grow and learn, so I can be better for my community and my students. 00:56:46 Kim Herd: I want to be more effective at my work- To help students determine who they are, what they could be and how they might get there... 00:56:46 Heather Fakkema-Hovde: I know I have so much to learn, and I’m the only elementary principal in my district. I want to be the best leader I can be to have a meaningful impact on my students 00:56:47 Inger Owen: Collective efficacy as a district instructional leadership team, shared vision and action plans. 00:56:47 Tiffaney Golden: I have good connections and relationships, I need to push myself to have more difficult conversations around student learning and learning for all students. 00:56:50 Russ Rice - ESD 113: Seeking to sharpen my own leadership skills “saw” and use those growing skills to “grow my people" 00:56:51 Paul Iacobazzi: Find and use leadership tools 00:56:55 April Vonderharr: In order to collaborate with other NLL's so I can strengthen my skills and show up in a way that I am proud of 00:56:56 Jeff Loupas: To build capacity and sustainable leadership on my team and across the state 00:56:56 Kathleen Paradis: To develop collogues that will push me to grow in my skills as an agent for change 00:56:58 Angie Franklin: I want to make a difference for kids. Strengthening teacher and leader capacity positively impacts students. 00:56:58 Andrea Sperry: to continue to develop as a leader and build my capacity to develop other leaders around me 00:57:05 Jenelee Herz: This is my first year in this Role (Dean of Students) and we are working towards shifting our school culture. Connect and learning for others with same struggles. 00:57:08 Laura Conklin: In order to create a culture of belonging for our students we need to develop an adult culture that focuses on inclusionary practices—Developing connections with this group will give me the capacity to create adult learning experiences that directly impact kids. 00:57:09 James Whitehead: For staff and students. To unbox people to help them see their power and skills 00:57:12 Joshua Altmiller: I hope to deepen my understanding of supporting teachers.. how to support our changing learning communities. 00:57:12 Bill Eagle: Grow my leadership toolbox 00:57:13 Erin Lucich: I want to use my life in service of kids and those closest to them in service. I must be ever-evolving, just as our kids are! 00:57:21 Lori Burke: Grow as a leader. Expand my connections. 00:57:22 Tamasha Emedi: I don't want to worry so much about making everyone "feel important" and to focus on how to create systems and support efforts where everyone is important and clear on how their work is unique, crucial and totally interconnected. 00:57:23 Billy Harris: Better equipped to lead administrators to close equity gaps through quality data, assessment, instructional practices 00:57:24 Elizabeth Mills: Strategies for moving people forward against all odds. Also looking for a refresh as well as to network. 00:57:24 ashley barker: Crystal - I'm so glad you are here! 00:57:45 Elaine Smith: Network, support, love/cheer on dynamic leaders! 00:57:58 Rhonda Walton: I want to learn from building leaders all around different perspectives and experiences so I can grow and bring ideas and new knowledge back to my work and building. 00:58:05 Cheri Lloyd: I joined to connect with others because I feel like an island in my position. I am in a small district. To be able to have a network of administrators to learn from each other is important. 00:58:08 Brooke Henley: My Why: I’m compelled to elevate my leadership to serve and to strengthen our schools. I aim to provide for a positive learning environment NOW and for the FUTURE for our community! 00:58:10 Elaine Smith: @Crystal Allen I’m a Class of 1979 Centralia Grad. Go Tigers!! 🙂 00:58:12 Stephanie Teel: I want to be a better leader today than I was yesterday. 00:58:28 ashley barker: ^^love this! 00:58:38 David Morrill - AWSP: Reacted to "I want to be a bette..." with 👍🏻 00:58:44 Elaine Smith: Reacted to "I want to be a bette..." with ❤️ 00:58:55 Mona Johnson: My Why's...(1) Improving culture of Educator & Student belonging & wellbeing; and (2) Implementation of improvement science practices supporting whole child; (3) Professional networking & learning from other leaders. 00:59:10 Kathleen Paradis: Reacted to "I want to learn from..." with 👍 00:59:35 ashley barker: the knowledge is def in the room with this group! 01:00:10 Jenny Hayworth: After 16 years with an amazing staff, I am saddened that we continue this amazing work for kids and we are still not meeting the needs of all of our learners. I need to be pushed and grow 01:00:34 Elaine Smith: Reacted to "I want to make a dif..." with ❤️ 01:01:07 ashley barker: So glad to have you here, Patrick and the Olympia team! 01:03:05 ashley barker: Thank you, Peter for calling us in! 01:03:24 Kathleen Paradis: Replying to "Better equipped to l..." YES -- looking for what other folks are doing to share ideas and learn more! 01:03:43 Kathleen Paradis: Reacted to "Better equipped to l..." with 👏 01:05:05 Michael Nelson: Just reading these comments is so energizing for me...the importance of connections across our state. Every region of our state is represented in NLL! 01:06:13 Elaine Smith: Reacted to "Just reading these c..." with ❤️ 01:10:53 Peter DeWitt: Reacted to "Just reading these c..." with ❤️ 01:10:56 Tricia Ebel: We have three priorities at our school - High quality PBIS, Tier 2 intervention blocks with fidelity (focused on data) and increasing a sense of belonging with our scholars. This is also aligned to our SIP plan. 01:11:05 Brooke Henley: One priority this year is to dive into our 3rd year in the PLC project and strengthen our academic interventions in the classroom. 01:11:07 Kathleen Paradis: K-12 Literacy, Authentic Family Engagement 01:11:08 James Whitehead: Inclusion and belonging 01:11:08 Russ Rice - ESD 113: Alignment of initiatives to vision and goals 01:11:11 Stacy Mehlberg: In our strategic plan, our 3 building priorities are 1. supporting students, 2. collaboration and engagement, and 3. distributed leadership 01:11:19 Keith Buechler: K-3 Literacy, and even more specifically, phonics/phonemic awareness within the science of reading. Focus group within the goal are our most marginalized students, in this case ML/EL learners and hispanic students 3-5 Sense of Belonging 01:11:21 Crystal Allen: increase in student belonging through SEL instruction. 01:11:22 Angie Franklin: 1. Deepen common/shared understanding/language on key curricula/instructional practices 01:11:23 April Vonderharr: 1. New Curriculum, 2. Collaboration - specifically how we are using data to inform instruction 01:11:24 Aaron Fletcher: Increase student attendance, 9th grade fail rate 01:11:27 Joshua Altmiller: MTSS, Curriculum, Belonging 01:11:28 Crystal Allen: collaborating with colleagues 01:11:28 Heather Fakkema-Hovde: Curriculum fidelity in math and SEL, Tier 1 PBIS implementation, and PLC practices 01:11:32 Ashley Goetz: Meaningful use of data to create change 01:11:33 Inger Owen: Ditto to James Whitehead! 01:11:33 Kim Herd: All students graduate with a plan and pathway 01:11:35 Jennifer Godinho-Hefley: Getting Protocols and systems aligned, relationships, and improve rigor 01:11:36 Tamasha Emedi: 1. 100% of students will make 1.5 years of growth between their English and Spanish growth as measured by IRLA/ENIL. 2. Hazel Valley Elementary students will make growth in math fluency standards from fall to spring in grades 2-5 by the end of the academic year through standards based instruction, targeted interventions, additional resources, and family partnerships. In K-1, HV will increase the number of students who can count meeting the grade level standard accurately and sequentially. This will be accomplished through the implementation of engaging counting activities, games and family partnerships. 01:11:41 Elizabeth Mills: Inclusion and outcomes for students with disabilities 01:11:46 Stephanie Teel: Transferring the growth we see in district assessment data to state assessments, for students to know they have a purpose, and grow my newly minted building coaches 01:11:50 Lori Burke: Academic Interventions for all students at all levels in ELA and Math 01:11:54 Billy Harris: Increase Sense of belonging and Rigor! 01:11:59 Laura Conklin: Increasing Sense of Belonging, inclusionary practices tied to creating expert learners 01:12:04 Jeff Loupas: Develop curriculum (1) and instructional practices (2) that better serve and fit our population. Develop the skill and ability of PLCs and teams to do this work (1 and 2) 01:12:05 Paul Iacobazzi: Common expectations, developing MTSS, inclusion/belonging 01:12:06 Jenny Hayworth: MLLs -Year 2 Math implementation teaching strategy Clear focus for the lesson HOPE-Helping Others Pursue Others 01:12:20 ashley barker: I love the variety of goals! Inquiry is a way to bring us all together! 01:12:23 Rhonda Walton: MLL students academic success, Math!, MTSS systems 01:12:39 Cheri Lloyd: Student Social Emotional Well Being, Figuring out how to change our teaching practices to meet gaps in academics, behavioral, and emotional health because of COVID and budget cuts, and lastly Healthy Grading practices 01:13:20 Stephanie Teel: Agreed Peter! 01:14:05 Rhonda Walton: Brooke, I'd like to hear more from you! 01:15:27 Brooke Henley: Reacted to "Brooke, I'd like to ..." with ❤️ 01:16:02 Rhonda Walton: Yes! 01:17:10 Rhonda Walton: Can you put his name in the chat, please? 01:17:12 Jenny Hayworth: if anyone captures Peter's fast talking (insert humor) will you put in chat the resources we can look up 01:17:58 Cheri Lloyd: Yes, what was the name of the author for Sense of Belonging? 01:18:01 ashley barker: Russ- quaglia 01:18:15 ashley barker: Quaglia Institute- I will add to the follow up notes 01:18:29 ashley barker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwcyXcOpWVs 01:18:51 ashley barker: ^^that is the hospitality video for folks who just joined 01:19:39 Rhonda Walton: I am noticing that I could have written any and all of the priorities that were put in the chat. That is telling. 01:19:47 Keith Buechler: We engaged with UW-CEL this summer as well and their work on students having two wants at school - to feel happy and proud - was also powerful student voice as we consider sense of belonging. 01:20:05 Tricia Ebel: That's amazing Tamasha! 01:20:16 Rhonda Walton: I need to jump off. I will see everyone on Friday! 01:20:24 Elaine Smith: Reacted to "I need to jump off. ..." with 👍🏼 01:20:25 Tamasha Emedi: Reacted to "That's amazing Tamas..." with ❤️ 01:20:31 Elaine Smith: Reacted to "That's amazing Tamas..." with ❤️ 01:20:35 ashley barker: Ms. Emedi's emails are in dual language 01:21:21 ashley barker: I will curate the resources for you! 01:21:24 ashley barker: Don't worry! 01:22:03 ashley barker: Those who are able to enter the learning lab have ALL the resources available in session 1- Yakima 01:22:10 ashley barker: the placemat is there! 01:23:18 Kathleen Paradis: Are these slides available? There is so much I want to dig into and didn't really have time yet. Maybe in the resources or the Handbook? 01:23:33 ashley barker: I see the sharing settings need to be updated- will do now 01:23:42 ashley barker: slides are available now in Learning Lab 01:23:55 Kathleen Paradis: Reacted to "slides are available..." with 👍 01:25:00 ashley barker: the sharing settings are open 01:25:15 David Morrill - AWSP: There’s a resource tab where you register/join the event. 01:26:11 ashley barker: https://forms.gle/zNwHpCiCYHZiH6MC6 01:26:18 Elaine Smith: Thank you for letting me listen in today. In awe of all of you!! Have a great day; see you Friday! 01:26:42 Peter DeWitt: @Elaine Smith LOVE seeing you! Thank you for being here! 01:26:50 Elaine Smith: Reacted to "@Elaine Smith LOVE s..." with ❤️ 01:26:59 ashley barker: https://forms.gle/zNwHpCiCYHZiH6MC6 01:27:12 Kathleen Paradis: Reacted to "Untitled.png" with 👍 01:27:30 ashley barker: From Peter- success criteria- what would success look like for you in your leadershiop 01:27:33 ashley barker: leadership 01:27:50 ashley barker: Honest baseline answers 01:28:26 Erin Lucich: Thank you so much!