00:24:20 Brian Limperopulos: https://dispatchersconvention.com/ 00:25:07 Brian Limperopulos: 179 people registered as of today! 00:25:30 Rachel Peretz: Reacted to "179 people registere..." with 👍 00:25:49 Matthieu Odijk - IAM Staff: Reacted to "179 people registere..." with ❤️ 00:26:12 Brittany Brooks: Bbrooks@consermoving.com 00:26:29 Sandra Clary: Reacted to "179 people registere..." with 👏 00:33:45 Dan Bradley: Everyone has any questions of the panel as we go, you can raise your hand and Steve will call on you. Or if you put it in the chat, I can watch that for the panelists. 00:33:57 Brittany Brooks: Reacted to "Everyone has any que..." with ❤️ 00:33:59 Uttam Panda: Reacted to "Everyone has any que..." with ❤️ 00:34:30 Dan Bradley: If I had better grammar, I would've said, "if anyone has any questions..." 00:34:42 Brittany Brooks: Reacted to "If I had better gram..." with 😂 00:34:45 Uttam Panda: Reacted to "If I had better gram..." with 😂 00:34:45 Sandra Clary: Reacted to "If I had better gram..." with 🤓 00:35:05 Jane Carole Bunting: Reacted to "If I had better gram..." with 😂 00:35:16 Paula Alder: Reacted to "If I had better gram..." with 😂 00:36:08 Rachel Peretz: Reacted to "If I had better gram..." with 😆 00:36:17 Tracy Powers: Reacted to "If I had better gram..." with 👍 00:37:10 Mark Gray: To the Moving Assn Directors: What methods do you utilize to recruit new members into your Associations? 00:37:21 Brian Limperopulos: Reacted to "To the Moving Assn D..." with 👍 00:37:25 Brittany Brooks: Reacted to "To the Moving Assn D..." with 👍🏻 00:37:33 Matthieu Odijk - IAM Staff: Reacted to "If I had better gram..." with 😂 00:39:01 Justin Hart: Reacted to "If I had better gram..." with 😂 00:39:52 Terry Head: Replying to "To the Moving Assn D..." Best recruitment tool is existing members. 00:40:06 Matthieu Odijk - IAM Staff: Reacted to "Best recruitment too..." with 👍🏻 00:40:28 Charles Stewart: Reacted to "Best recruitment too..." with 👍🏻 00:41:08 Uttam Panda: Reacted to "Best recruitment too..." with 👍🏻 00:41:11 Uttam Panda: Reacted to "To the Moving Assn D..." with 👍🏻 00:41:27 Justin Hart: Reacted to "Best recruitment too..." with ❤️ 00:41:57 Tracy Powers: Reacted to "Best recruitment too..." with 👍 00:41:58 Mark Gray: Reacted to "Best recruitment too..." with 👍🏻 00:42:30 Gregg Day: Reacted to "Best recruitment too..." with ❤️ 00:42:43 Brittany Brooks: Reacted to "Best recruitment too..." with 💯 00:45:55 Brian Limperopulos: What are you hearing is the biggest challenge your members are facing? 00:47:05 Mark Gray: Does anyone in the room know just how many state Moving & Storage Associations there are? Is there a formal group of Assn Directors and if so, do you folks hold annual meetings? 00:47:16 Brittany Brooks: How frequently do you meet with your members? And are these virtual and/or in-person. 00:48:32 Dan Bradley: Mark...we'll have a list of known contacts in the various states at the end of this. Those on this call and some others participate in meetings of the National Council of Moving Associations. So we try to stay connected at the state and national level. 00:49:04 Mark Gray: Reacted to "Mark...we'll have a ..." with 👍 00:51:38 Brian Limperopulos: Here are all the industry associations based in the US that we have catalogued on Mobility Exchange: https://www.mobilityex.com/#/search?svc=Association%20Industry%20Partners%20Company&loc=United%20States&lat=37.09024&lng=-95.712891&range=50&assocs=800&fvw=c&ctry=United%20States 00:51:51 Ed Zielinski: Reacted to "Here are all the ind..." with 👍 00:52:30 Mark Gray: Replying to "Here are all the ind..." Thank You! 00:53:20 Maxim Kreynin: Is electronic form filling offered as part of the training ? 00:54:15 Rachel Peretz: Reacted to "Here are all the ind..." with 👍 00:54:46 Rachel Peretz: Reacted to "Best recruitment too..." with 👍🏻 00:54:56 Maxim Kreynin: Also, are any states enforcing electronic inventories for moves over 100 miles like in California? 00:56:42 Brad Chapman: how do you settle a claim without inventories...? 01:04:21 Brad Chapman: Can Steve speak to the new CA CTC emissions programs? 01:04:30 Brian Limperopulos: Reacted to " Can Steve speak to ..." with 👍 01:06:33 Mark Gray: George Phillips in AZ; Next time you go before legislators or regulators in your state bring with you some shippers whose HHG were held hostage by rogue movers! 01:06:35 Brian Limperopulos: I like that retort Pam 01:07:41 George Phillips: @Mark Gray Great Idea. I always pass along their information and stories with the consumers permission. 01:07:58 George Phillips: to our elected officials here in Arizona 01:15:33 Rachel Peretz: @Tracy Brito Denora - really love this initiative. It's so important for consumers! I see it almost every time I'm on social. 01:16:09 Brian Limperopulos: Reacted to "@Tracy Brito Denora ..." with 👍 01:16:17 guy maman: Mark, That's a really good way to go about that. 01:17:01 Tracy Brito Denora: Reacted to "@Tracy Brito Denora ..." with ❤️ 01:18:46 Maxim Kreynin: Please let us know how we can participate in conventions and publications 01:19:24 Maxim Kreynin: We are happy to share content and more importantly our extremely affordable electronic inventory and labeling solutions 01:19:43 Maxim Kreynin: And now we throw branding in for free 01:20:16 Maxim Kreynin: Happy to promote associations on the labels and forms so that lawful professional movers are marketed properly 01:20:51 Charles Stewart: Reacted to "Happy to promote ass..." with 👏 01:23:44 Tracy Brito Denora: tracy@njwma.org 01:24:58 George Phillips: gphillips@jitmoving.com or support@moversaz.org