00:56:30 Brian Limperopulos: Feel free to share any questions or comments in the chat 00:58:35 Vaibhav Sood: Hello everyone! πŸ™ 00:58:43 Jenna Weinerman: Reacted to "Hello everyone! πŸ™" with πŸ‘‹ 00:59:03 Shameem Muhammad: Hello 00:59:08 Raphael Baptista: Hi everyone from Paris πŸ‘‹ 00:59:33 Brian Limperopulos: Reacted to "Hi everyone from Par..." with πŸ‘ 00:59:36 Jenna Weinerman: Reacted to "Hello" with πŸ‘‹ 00:59:38 Brian Limperopulos: Reacted to "Hello" with πŸ‘ 00:59:38 Janet Turner: Hey from rainy central Florida! 00:59:39 Jenna Weinerman: Reacted to "Hi everyone from Par..." with πŸ‘‹ 00:59:43 Jenna Weinerman: Reacted to "Hey from rainy centr..." with πŸ‘‹ 01:00:02 Raphael Baptista: Reacted to "Hey from rainy centr..." with πŸ‘‹ 01:00:11 Raphael Baptista: Reacted to "Hello" with πŸ‘‹ 01:00:13 Tahir Mansoor: Hello Everyone 01:00:23 Ruchika Goswami: Hello everyone πŸ™ 01:00:27 Morgana Somers: Great to see everyone! Would love to stay connected: https://www.linkedin.com/in/morgana-somers/ 01:01:20 Tahir Mansoor: Reacted to "Hello everyone! πŸ™" with πŸ‘‹ 01:01:25 Tahir Mansoor: Reacted to "Hello" with πŸ‘‹ 01:02:04 Tahir Mansoor: Reacted to "Hey from rainy centr..." with πŸ‘‹ 01:02:37 Janet Turner: @Jenna tell us about your little hanging clipboards behind you (good to see you) 01:02:56 Sydney Webber: https://www.movehq.com/resources-blog 01:03:09 Sydney Webber: This is the research! 01:03:52 Matthieu Odijk - IAM Staff: Reacted to "This is the research..." with πŸ‘πŸ» 01:04:01 Raphael Baptista: Reacted to "https://www.movehq.c..." with πŸ‘ 01:04:13 Morgana Somers: Reacted to "This is the research..." with πŸ‘πŸ» 01:04:17 Morgana Somers: Reacted to "This is the research..." with πŸ‘ 01:06:19 Jazmin Alfonzo: Reacted to "This is the research..." with πŸ‘ 01:06:55 Charles White: Please mute if you are not talking 01:07:12 Matthieu Odijk - IAM Staff: Reacted to "Please mute if you a..." with πŸ‘πŸ» 01:07:33 Rachel Peretz: Reacted to "https://www.movehq.c..." with πŸ‘πŸΌ 01:11:05 Brian Limperopulos: I love Tik Tok 01:11:17 Vaibhav Sood: πŸ˜† 01:11:29 Michelle Lambert: Ross:Can you tell us about your sponsorship with the Yankees? 01:11:44 Charles White: Brian...We are not talking about the use of Tik Tok for your dance moves. 01:11:53 Matthieu Odijk - IAM Staff: Reacted to "Brian...We are not t..." with πŸ˜‚ 01:11:55 Rachel Peretz: Reacted to "Brian...We are not t..." with πŸ˜‚ 01:11:59 Rachel Peretz: Reacted to "Brian...We are not t..." with πŸ˜† 01:12:02 Brian Limperopulos: You'll never find my burner account 01:12:43 Roger Wise: Reacted to "You'll never find my..." with πŸ˜‚ 01:12:43 Matthieu Odijk - IAM Staff: Replying to "You'll never find my..." don't challenge me... 01:12:49 Roger Wise: Reacted to "Brian...We are not t..." with πŸ˜‚ 01:12:55 Jenna Weinerman: Reacted to "You'll never find my..." with πŸ˜‚ 01:13:45 Jenna Weinerman: People don’t buy goods and services anymore – they’re buying your stories and your magic. To Ross’ point, anyone at your company can tell those stories 01:13:59 Jazmin Alfonzo: Reacted to "You'll never find my..." with πŸ˜‚ 01:13:59 Brian Limperopulos: Reacted to "People don’t buy goo..." with πŸ‘ 01:14:17 Raphael Baptista: Reacted to "People don’t buy goo..." with πŸ‘ 01:14:30 Morgana Somers - IAM Staff: Reacted to "You'll never find my..." with 🀣 01:15:37 Andria Skiff: Do you utilize Chat GPT much? 01:15:54 Jenna Weinerman: Reacted to "Do you utilize Chat ..." with πŸ‘Œ 01:16:00 Jenna Weinerman: Replying to "Do you utilize Chat ..." We do! 01:16:11 Brian Limperopulos: I feel like training would be a great place to showcase your team. They're practicing to become better before they get out to the residence and it shows that your company is invested in quality improvement 01:16:12 Rachael Lyons: Replying to "Do you utilize Chat ..." I do too! 01:16:21 Sydney Webber: Replying to "Do you utilize Chat ..." All the time! 01:16:56 Matthieu Odijk - IAM Staff: I would say that with the upcoming AI solutions, the value is personal, people buy from people they like and connect with. How can a moving company create the conversion on their marketing and focusing on that personal touch? 01:17:24 Morgana Somers - IAM Staff: Reacted to "I feel like training..." with πŸ‘ 01:17:29 Rachel Peretz: Replying to "Do you utilize Chat ..." It may be a good jumping off point, but it writes in passive voice and doesn't capture industry nuances well. I'm still doing a significant amount of copywriting. 01:17:30 Raphael Baptista: Replying to "Do you utilize Chat ..." For what purpose? SEO? 01:18:03 Maria Eugenia Mansur: Se ha reaccionado a "I would say that w..." con πŸ‘ 01:18:03 Matthieu Odijk - IAM Staff: Reacted to "I feel like training..." with πŸ‘ 01:18:03 Raphael Baptista: Reacted to "It may be a good jum..." with πŸ‘ 01:18:14 Jenna Weinerman: One video can change everything. It may not… but the possibility is there 01:18:25 Tahir Mansoor: Reacted to "I would say that wit..." with πŸ‘ 01:19:48 Rachael Lyons: Reacted to "One video can change..." with πŸ‘ 01:20:38 Rachel Peretz: Great ideas, Sydney. Thank you! 01:21:01 Andria Skiff: Thank you! 01:21:05 Janet Turner: Reacted to "Great ideas, Sydney...." with πŸ‘ 01:21:31 Vaibhav Sood: Sydney, thank you for the inputs! 01:25:08 Matthieu Odijk - IAM Staff: We are not in moving, we are in the business of realizing peoples dreams, we assist them with one of the scariest choices in their lives, saying yes to a job abroad or in another state, leaving all behind. They have a dream, we make it real.. 01:25:28 Jenna Weinerman: Reacted to "We are not in moving..." with πŸ‘ 01:25:37 Jenna Weinerman: Reacted to "We are not in moving..." with 🏑 01:25:38 Brian Limperopulos: Reacted to "We are not in moving..." with πŸ‘ 01:25:54 Pablo SΓ‘nchez Flores: Reacted to "We are not in moving..." with πŸ‘ 01:26:04 Rachel Peretz: Well said, Matthieu! 01:26:12 Raphael Baptista: Reacted to "We are not in moving..." with πŸ‘ 01:26:16 Jenna Weinerman: Automate the outreach. #lifesaver 01:27:08 Morgana Somers - IAM Staff: Reacted to "We are not in moving..." with ❀️ 01:27:22 Rachael Lyons: Reacted to "We are not in moving..." with ❀️ 01:28:32 Tahir Mansoor: Reacted to "We are not in moving..." with πŸ‘ 01:29:19 Jenna Weinerman: It’s not magic, it’s marketing 🀩 01:29:54 Jazmin Alfonzo: Reacted to "It’s not magic, it’s..." with 🀩 01:30:38 Sydney Webber: Reacted to "We are not in moving..." with πŸ‘ 01:30:39 Sydney Webber: Reacted to "We are not in moving..." with ❀️ 01:30:46 Sydney Webber: Reacted to "It’s not magic, it’s..." with πŸ‘ 01:31:09 Matthieu Odijk - IAM Staff: I believe the magic in sales and marketing is in the fact that you will find the right solution for your client, even if it means that in the end your own company might not be the right fit. The magic of truly caring, being human and helping will give a large ROI then trying to sell your own product or service 01:31:20 Rachael Lyons: Reacted to "I believe the magic ..." with πŸ‘ 01:31:24 Tim Moore: Reacted to "I believe the magic ..." with πŸ‘ 01:31:30 Jazmin Alfonzo: Reacted to "I believe the magic ..." with ❀️ 01:32:12 Rachel Peretz: Reacted to "I believe the magic ..." with ❀️ 01:32:53 Tahir Mansoor: Agreed with @Ross Sapir it should be at target as we cannot Automate that, if we do it may result in Spam and floating in a lot of unwanted messages 01:33:51 Brian Limperopulos: Here is a link to the book Ross is talking about: https://www.amazon.com/Delivering-Happiness-Profits-Passion-Purpose/dp/0446576220 01:34:13 Matthieu Odijk - IAM Staff: Reacted to "Here is a link to th..." with πŸ‘πŸ» 01:36:27 Brian Limperopulos: The Power of Moments: https://www.amazon.com/NEW-Power-Moments-Lead-Title-Heath/dp/B09W2XLTTN/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1CX1BR79S25MI&keywords=the+power+of+moments&qid=1684953897&s=books&sprefix=the+power+of+mom%2Cstripbooks%2C116&sr=1-2 01:42:11 Rakesh Kumar: Hi everyone from Interem Dubai 01:43:41 Charles White: Hello Rakesh...glad you could join us 01:44:06 Rakesh Kumar: Reacted to "Hello Rakesh...glad ..." with πŸ‘ 01:44:07 Maria Eugenia Mansur: I am downloading Chat GPT (I had never used it before), I will investigate how it can help with our daily tasks. 01:44:56 Brian Limperopulos: Reacted to "I am downloading Cha..." with πŸ‘ 01:49:53 Jazmin Alfonzo: Reacted to "I am downloading Cha..." with πŸ‘ 01:50:02 Charles White: PLEASE MUTE! 01:50:03 Matthieu Odijk - IAM Staff: As an early AI adopter, I can recommend to search more and maybe look at this link https://www.marketermilk.com/blog/ai-marketing-tools 01:50:08 Maria Pavletic: I have to run for a 2pm call. thanks for your insights. Always good to hear from other marketing experts! Please share the taped meeting (if possible). 01:50:28 Maria Pavletic: ps- Hi Rachael!! πŸ˜€ 01:50:31 Jazmin Alfonzo: Thank you very much to the panel for all the advice and information! 01:50:41 Rachael Lyons: Reacted to "ps- Hi Rachael!! πŸ˜€" with πŸ‘ 01:50:48 Angela DeConti: Thank you. Very interesting! 01:50:50 Brian Limperopulos: here is where the recording will be posted: Marketing Masterclass: Innovative marketing tactics to skyrocket your moving business in 2023 | IAM Learning (pathlms.com) 01:50:50 Amanda Amato: This was awesome - thank you so much, panelists - love this community! 01:50:52 Maria Eugenia Mansur: I love MKT workshops, thanks IAM for organizing! 01:51:13 Rakesh Kumar: Agree Ross 01:51:16 Alison McDaniel: Very interesting topic. Thank you! 01:51:39 Pablo Regner: A huge hug to all of you from Argentina. Thank you. 01:52:22 Roger Wise: Thank you panelists! Great content. 01:52:24 Tahir Mansoor: Great informative discussion.... 01:52:32 Halee Kondrich: Thank you all SO much! 01:52:36 Rakesh Kumar: Thank you Brian 01:52:37 Maria Eugenia Mansur: Byeee